RoDEO Parade

2025 Parade Marshalls: Jim and Nancy Nelson

Jim was on the board for 25 years, he joined in 1994, Nancy was on the board for 11 years, she joined in 2008, and they retired from the rodeo board together in 2019. 

Nancy was head of the ticket booth and you could expect to see her smiling face every year in there. She would recruit her family (her kids and grand kids) to help clean and decorate the booth during rodeo week and to stand and take tickets at the gate when we used all paper tickets. It was always made a family affair!

Jim was head of the arena, he was in charge of making sure the arena was cleaned up, barricades removed (and put back at the end), ground was good, and everything was ready to go for Marty’s crew when they brought their chutes and gates in. He was the guy in the tractor every year dragging the arena during barrel racing!

They led the way for members of the following two generations to join the board. In 2018 and 2019 3 generations of Nelson’s worked on the board together.